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Microsorium minor (thin leaves)

In stock: 5 available
Product Details
Marca: TAF

Utilizzo: Aquascaping

Utilizzo: nano

Utilizzo: Paludarium

Quantità di luce necessaria: bassa

colore foglia: verde chiaro / giallo

Zona di piantagione: sfondo

velocità di crescita: media

facilità d'uso: facile

Appello erbivoro: NO

origine: Asia, sud-est

Temperatura (° C): 20-28

Altezza (cm): 10-30

questa specie produce bellissime foglie lunghe e molto strette con un bel disegno. Molto decorativo.


Usage : Aquascaping
Usage : nano

Usage : Paludarium

Amount of light needed : low

leaf color : light green/ yellow

Plantation zone : background

growth speed : medium

ease of use : easy

Appeal herbivorous : NO

origin : Asia, South East

Temperature (°C) : 20-28

Height (cm) : 10-30

No, the smallest is the mini but this species produces beautiful long, very narrow leaves with a lovely drawing. At the bottom there are also little brown warts. These are the spores from which a new plant will occur that you can plant where ever you want. Very decorative.

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Microsorium minor (thin leaves)
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